NAS API 调用出现问题时,会返回各种错误码信息。



组成部分 释义
HttpCode HTTP 响应码,符合 HTTP 协议语义
Code 错误标识
Message 错误消息
Advice 建议处理方式


HttpCode Code Message Advice
500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. 给您带来的不便,深感抱歉,请稍后再试。
503 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. 给您带来的不便,深感抱歉,请稍后再试。
504 ServiceTimeout The request processing has failed due to timeout. 请稍后再试。
503 SecurityToken.CheckFailed The security token check has failed due to some internal error. STS token 权限检查过程中,由于内部调用失败导致检查失败,请稍后再试。
503 SecurityToken.DecodeFailed The security token decode has failed due to some internal error. STS token 解码过程中,由于内部调用失败导致解码失败,请稍后再试。
503 SubRam.CheckFailed The sub user ram check has failed due to some internal error. 主子账号权限检查过程中,由于内部调用失败导致检查失败,请稍后再试。
503 VpcRam.CheckFailed The Vpc ram check has failed due to some internal error. Vpc 权限检查过程中,由于内部调用失败导致检查失败,请稍后再试。
503 VpcSubRam.CheckFailed The Vpc sub user ram check has failed due to some internal error. Vpc 主子账号检查过程中,由于内部调用失败导致检查失败,请稍后再试。
400 MissingParameter.callerUid Parameter `callerUid` is mandatory for this action. 请加入callerUid请求参数。
400 MissingParameter.RegionId Parameter `RegionId` in endpoint is mandatory for this action. 请在域名中加入RegionId字段信息。
400 MissingParameter.VSwitchId Parameter `VSwitchId` is mandatory for this action. 请加入VSwitchId请求参数。
400 MissingParameter.VpcId Parameter `VpcId` is mandatory for this action. 请加入VpcId请求参数。
400 InvalidParameter.StorageType Parameter `StorageType` is mandatory for this action. 合法的StorageType请求参数有PerformanceCapacity
400 InvalidParameter.ProtocalType Parameter ProtocalType is mandatory for this action. 合法的ProtocalType请求参数有NFSSMB
400 InvalidParameter.Description Parameter Description is mandatory for this action. Description的合法字符包括中英文和以下字符:@、#、$、_、+ 和 -。
404 InvalidFileSystem.NotFound The specified FileSystem does not exist. 您指定的文件系统不存在或已删除。
403 InvalidFileSystem.AlreadyExisted The specified FileSystem has been already existed. 您指定的文件系统已存在,您可以通过调用DescribeFileSystems并指定该文件系统id查看相关信息。
404 InvalidMountTarget.NotFound The specified MountTarget does not exist. 您指定的挂载点不存在或已删除。
404 InvalidAccessGroup.NotFound The specified AccessGroup does not exist. 您指定的权限组不存在或已删除。
403 InvalidAccessGroup.AlreadyExisted The specified AccessGroup has been already existed. 您指定的权限组已存在,您可以通过调用DescribeMountTargets并指定该权限组查看相关信息。
403 InvalidAccessGroup.AlreadyAttached The specified AccessGroup is still attached by some MountTarget(s). 指定权限组还绑有相关挂载点,请先解绑相关挂载点再删除该权限组。
404 InvalidAccessRule.NotFound The specified AccessRule does not exist. 您指定的权限规则不存在或已删除。
404 InvalidLocatin.NotFound The specified Location is not found or is not supported. 请求的 Location 不存在或暂未提供服务。
404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound The specified Region is not found. 请求的 Region 不存在或暂未提供服务。
404 InvalidAZone.NotFound The specified AZone is not found. 请求的 Zone 不存在或暂未提供服务。
404 InvalidVpc.NotFound The specified Vpc is not found. 您指定的 Vpc 不存在,请先创建专有网络 VPC。
404 InvalidVip.NotFound The specified Vip is not found. 您指定的 Vpc 没有找到,请检查您的 Vpc 信息正确有效。
404 InvalidLBid.NotFound The specified LBid is not found. 系统创建 LBid 失败,请稍后重试。
404 InvalidVpcTunnelId.NotFound The specified vpc tunnelId is not found. 指定的 Vpc tunnelId不存在,请先检查 Vpc 信息。
404 InvalidVpc.CreationFailed The specified vpc instance creation failed. 指定的 Vpc 实例创建失败,请检查您的 Vpc 信息正确有效且有可用 IP 空间可供创建,并再次重试。
403 OperationDenied.DefaultAccessGroupCannotDelete The default AccessGroup can not be deleted. 您可以编辑操作自定义的权限组。
403 OperationDenied.DefaultAccessGroupCannotModify The default AccessGroup can not be modified. 您可以编辑操作自定义的权限组。
403 OperationDenied.NetworkTypeNotMatched The NetworkType of MountTarget is not matched with AccessGroup. 请确保挂载点的 NetworkType与权限组的 AccessGroupType保持一致。
403 OperationDenied.MountTargetNotEmpty There are still MountTarget(s) on the specified FileSystem. 指定文件系统仍存在挂载点,请先删除挂载点。
403 OperationDenied.FileSystemCountsExceeded The amount of FileSystem has reached its limits(maximum 10).


403 OperationDenied.MountTargetCountsExceeded The amount of MountTarget has reached its limits(maximum 2 per FileSystem).


403 OperationDenied.AccessGroupCountsExceeded The amount of AccessGroup has reached its limits.


403 OperationDenied.AccessRuleCountsExceeded The amount of AccessRule has reached its limits.


403 User.Disabled Your account does not open Nas Service yet or balance is insufficient.

若您尚未开通 NAS 服务,请先前往开通 NAS 服务。


403 Forbidden.InvalidUserType The operation is not permitted due to type of account. NAS API 暂不支持您的账户类型,请见谅。
403 Forbbiden.Ram User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM. 您的账户 RAM 权限校验失败,请前往 RAM 确保授权 NAS 相关权限。
403 Forbidden.EcsTokenNotAuthorized User not authorized to check ecs on creating MountTarget of classic network type. 请前往 RAM 授权 NAS 访问 ECS 校验接口。
403 NotQualified User has not been approved for the trail application.



  • XML示例

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • JSON示例

      "RequestId": "B71B4C68-6C6B-4D4B-AD70-8951BD7D188E",
      "HostId": " ",
      "Code": "InvalidFileSystem.NotFound",
      "Message": "指定文件系统不存在"