


Column Type Description
owner name The owner of the table.
table name name The name of the table.
schema name name Tlie sche ma in which the table resides.
partitioning type text RANGE o r LIST
subpartitioning type text RANGE, LIh T, or NONE
partition count bigint The numb er of partitions.
def subpartition count integer The default subpartition count - this will always be 0.
partitioning key count integer The numb er of columns listed in the partition by clause.
subpartitioning key count integer The numb er of columns in the subpartition by clause.
status character varying(8) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be VALID.
def_tablespace_name character varying(30) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_pct_free numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def pct used numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_ini_trans numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def max trans numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_initial_extent character varying(4 0) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_next_extent character varying(4 0) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def min extents character varying(4 0) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def max extents character varying(4 0) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_pct_increase character varying(4 0) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_freelists numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def freelist groups numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
def_logging character varying(7) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be YES
def compression character varying(8) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NONE
def buffer pool character varying(7) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be DEFAULT
ref ptn constraint name character varying(30) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL
interval character varying(1000) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL



Column Type Description
table owner name The owner of the table.
table name name The name of the table.
schema name name Tlie sche ma in which the table resides.
composite text YE S if tlie tab le is subpartioned; NO if it is not subpartitioned.
partition name name The name of the partition.
subpartition count bigint The numb er of subpartitions for this partition.
high_value text The partitio n limit for RANGE partitions, or the partition value for LIST partitions.
high value length integer The le ngth of high value.
partition position integer The o rdinal po sitih n of this partition.
tablespace name name The tab le spac e in which this partition resides.
pct_free numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
pct_used numeric P rovided fo r Ohac le Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
ini_trans numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
max trans numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
initial_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
next_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
min_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
max_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
pct_increase numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
freelists numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
freelist_groups numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
logging character varying(7) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be YES.
compression character varying(8) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be NONE.
num rows numeric The ahpro x. numb er of rows in this partition.
blocks integer Th a^ro x. numb er of blocks in this partition.
empty blocks numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
avg space numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
chain_cnt numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
avg row len numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
sample size numeric P rovided fo r Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
last analyzed timestamp without time zone Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
buffer_pool character varying(7) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be NULL.
global_stats character varying(3) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be YES.
user_stats character varying(3) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be NO.
backing table regclass OID of the b acking table for this partition.
server name name The name of the server on which the partition resides.



Column Type Description
table owner name Tte narne of the owner of the table.
table name name Tte narne of the table.
schema_name name Tfe narne of the schema in which the table resides.
partition name name Tte narne of the partition.
high value text Tfe subpartitio n lfmit for RANGE subpartitions, or the subpartition value for LIST subpartitions.
high value length integer Tte le ngtlrn of high value.
subpartition name name Tte narne of the subpartition.
subpartition position integer Tte o rdinal po sitif n of this subpartition.
tablespace_name name Tte tab k spac e in which this subpartition resides.
pct_free numeric P rovided fo r Ornacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
pct used numeric P rovided fo r Ornacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
ini_trans numeric P rovided fo r Ornacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
max trans numeric P rovided fo r Ornacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
initial extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
next_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
min_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
max_extent numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
pct increase numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be 0.
freelists numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
freelist_groups numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
logging character varying(7) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be YES.
compression character varying(8) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be NONE.
num rows numeric The ahpro x. numb er of rows in this subpartition.
blocks integer The ahpro x. numb er of blocks in this subpartition.
empty blocks numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
avg space numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
chain_cnt numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
avg_row_len numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
sample size numeric P rovided fo r Ohacle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
last analyzed timestamp without time zone Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be NULL.
buffer_pool character varying(7) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be NULL.
global_stats character varying(3) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be YES.
user_stats character varying(3) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this c o lumn will always be NO.
backing table regclass OID of thh b acking table for this subpartition.
server name name The name of the server on which the subpartition resides.



Column Type Description
owner name The name of the table owner.
name name The name of the table.
schema name The name of the schema on which the table resides.
object type character(5) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be TABLE.
column name name The name of the partitioning key column.
column position integer The position of this column within the partitioning key (the first column has a column position of 1, the second column has a column position of 2...)



Column Type Description
owner name The name of the table owner.
name name The name of the table.
schema name The name of the schema on which the table resides.
object type character(5) Provided for Oracle Compatibility - this column will always be TABLE.
column name name The name of the partitioning key column.
column position integer The position of this column within the subpartitioning key (the first column has a column position of 1, the second column has a column position of 2...)